At Creative School Images we offer the highest quality, at very affordable prices. We have the most current digital technology, so parent’s can rest assured knowing they are getting the very best value, without compromise. We also offer a family plan, to help ease the cost to parent’s with more than two children in schools that we service.
Administrators and Staff…
Our goal for staff is to have an easy and seamless photo experience. We offer a variety of products and services to our administrators such as Admin CD, OSR, ID tags, Principal’s album, Pictorial directory, Images on CD, Yearbook CD, etc. We will always provide fast, quality service to the schools, and the community.
Creative School Images is dedicated to the Hamilton and surrounding area to ensure the very best quality and service. We offer a variety of extra’s such as Family Photo Night’s, rooftops and other fundraising events. We also provide a standard 10% commission from package sales to each of our schools.